
  • 17.05.2021
    Final of the action "Share Positively"

    We sincerely thank all employees for numerous gifts, for your creativity and commitment !!!

  • 05.05.2021
    Alumetal among the "50 Best Employers"

    Among the 400 largest employers in Poland, the weekly "Wprost" singled out 50 employers who, despite the pandemic, are trying to create the best possible conditions for their employees.


    We are pleased to announce that the Alumetal Group was in the 26th place in the ranking.

  • 27.04.2021
    "Share Positively"

    Alumetal Group employees have shown more than once how big their hearts are, so we count on your support this time too! Together with the Association "Pozytywni" we want to join the campaign "Share Positively".

  • 22.12.2020
    Christmas different than before

    The past year was full of changes in the functioning of our company, mainly due to the restrictions connected with the COVID-19 pandemic. Limiting contacts with other persons to minimum had a direct impact on the traditional Christmas meetings in our company.
    However, offices in our company were decorated with Christmas trees and decorations, as usual. They always let us feel the magic of Christmas, also at work. As every year, we sent Christmas cards to our customers and partners.